2022-10-24 18:58:33

FRAUD: Trump Hotels Charged Secret Service 5X Standard Rate

In one of his many methods of profiting off the American taxpayer, Donald Trump charged the Secret Service exorbitant rates to stay at his hotels. In at least forty cases, the Trump Organization charged Secret Service agents far higher amounts than the standard rate. All in all, taxpayers paid at least $1.4 million for agents’ stays, with much of that being straight profit for Trump’s business. This reporting from the Washington Post flies in the face of comments made by Eric Trump, who claimed that the Trump Organization would charge a fair rate to agents or even set them up in hotel rooms for free. This is yet another one of the countless grifts perpetrated by Trump during his presidency. The ex-president said he didn’t need to be corrupt because he was rich already. Instead, he turned out to be perhaps the most corrupt president in US history.


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$1.4 million for agents American taxpayer Eric Trump exorbitant rates Secret Service The David Pakman Show Trump Organization US History Washington Post


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