2020-12-21 09:34:29

Fox & Trumpists Cannot Cope with Trump Loss

Over the past six weeks, we have witnessed a conservative movement that is totally unable to cope with the reality that Donald Trump lost the election. It’s pathetic and childish, which also makes it quite hilarious. There are so many examples of right-wing figures acting foolish over Trump’s defeat. For example, on Fox & Friends yesterday, co-host Ainsley Earhardt referred to Joe Biden as “what they are calling the president-elect.” Kayleigh McEnany, White House Press Secretary by day and Trump campaign adviser by night, said that courts across the country are using "gimmickry tricks" to hand Biden the presidency. Finally, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said the 2020 election was “absolutely stolen.”

Is this more sad, infuriating, or both? Trump supporters said they would have the election overturned before states certified and then states certified. Then they said they would get it done before the safe harbor deadline, which came and went. Next they promised to prevent the Electoral College from voting, which failed this week. Now, they have moved onto saying the electoral votes won’t be counted by Congress, which is also a strategy that is doomed to fail. Soon they will say that Biden won’t be inaugurated, serve a full year, or serve all four years. The “MAGA cope” is really quite something to witness.


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2020 Ainsley Earhardt David Pakman Donald Trump Election Fox & Friends Fox News FSTV Election Coverage Kayleigh McEnany MAGA Rand Paul The David Pakman Show


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