2020-11-18 09:32:39

Fox News "Voter Fraud" Interview Goes Horribly Wrong

Melissa Carone, a supposed whistleblower, went on Fox Business network to be interviewed by Lou Dobbs. She is one of the dozens of people who singed affidavits about a voter fraud experience they claim to have had. These “whistleblowers” have been going on right-wing programs to convince right-wing audiences that the election was rigged and that it’s just one aspect of some broader conspiracy. The problem with Carone’s testimony on Fox is that it proved absolutely nothing. It also managed to allege absolutely nothing. Dobbs was left stunned and confused as Carone told her story about working a twenty-four hour shift on Election Day and seeing mysterious vans show up at her Wayne County polling site.

Carone said that the vans were there to provide food for the poll workers, but she suspected it was actually something much more suspicious. She explained how items were removed from the back of the van so she couldn’t see what was happening. But she assumes that it was not food that the vans were delivering, but instead ballots, presumably with Joe Biden’s named checked off on them. Lou Dobbs struggled to understand the relevance of the story to Trump’s widespread voter fraud allegations, but he couldn’t say that directly. Instead Dobbs ended the interview by calling Carone’s account “irregular and suspicious.” If this is the best they have, Trump has absolutely zero chance of pulling off this triple Hail Mary attempt at reversing the election results.


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2020 David Pakman Donald Trump Election Fox Business FSTV Election Coverage Lou Dobbs Melissa Carone Michigan The David Pakman Show Voter Fraud Wayne County Whistleblower


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