2020-09-04 11:57:14

How Fascism Works: Trump's "Law & Order" Is Lawlessness, Fueling Racist Violence & Chaos

As President Trump openly embraces the far-right conspiracy theory QAnon and promotes "law and order" while refusing to condemn armed followers of his who target antiracist protesters.

Democracy Now! speaks with Jason Stanley, a Yale philosopher and scholar of propaganda, author of "How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them." Stanley says Trump built a cult of personality within the Republican Party, as evident during the Republican National Convention, and has moved the United States steadily into authoritarianism during his term.

"Fascism is a cult of the leader who promises national restoration in the face of supposed threats by leftist radicals, minorities and immigrants. He promises only he can save us," Stanley says. "In the RNC, what we saw is we saw a cult of the leader."

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Amy Goodman Democracy Now! Donald Trump Free Speech TV Jason Stanley Law and Order QAnon United States


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