2020-10-13 14:16:33

Election Defenders Needs You!

Voting freely and without fear. Every ballot counted. A peaceful transfer of power. That’s the usual plan for elections. You’ve seen the white supremacists’ intimidation. You’ve heard the misinformation about voting by mail. And on top of it all, COVID 19. Who has a plan for all this? The Election Defenders project does. This nonpartisan initiative of the Movement for Black Lives and the Working Families Party is calling for volunteers across the country to serve as poll observers-- handing out masks and water, and de-escalating conflicts should they arise. Will you become an Election Defender? Sign up today at electiondefenders.org to get the training needed to ensure every ballot gets counted. Thank you!

For #2020Election coverage you can trust visit https://freespeech.org/2020-presidential-election/

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