2021-02-16 15:44:10
On this week's show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the radical policies of Berlin's city gov't and its Die Linke Party; why raising minimum wage to $15/hour is too little, too late; how bans on evictions and utility shut offs fight Covid-19; and lastly, he argues for the urgent need for a changed China policy. On the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Prof. Arlie Hochschild on her 10-year study of the US political right.
About this week's guest: Arlie Hochschild is the author of nine books including, most recently, Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right, a New York Times best seller and finalist for the National Book Award. A documentary film is underway in which respondents are being interviewed about the events of January 6th in Washington D. C.
Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff takes complex economic issues and makes them understandable, empowering listeners with information to analyze not only their financial situation but the economy at large.
By focusing on the economic dimensions of everyday life - wages, jobs, taxes, debts, interest rates, prices, and profits - the program explores alternative ways to organize markets and government policies.
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