2020-05-15 13:22:31

Eclipse Of Dreams: Another Way Forward For Migrant Justice

Sonali Kolhatkar speaks with Mariela Nuñes-Janes.

The US has for years struggled to address its immigration problem. Millions of undocumented immigrants have lived, worked, attended school, and become part of the fabric of American society and yet have lived with the constant fear of discovery of their status and of deportation.

While some gains were made President Obama, notably the DACA program, far too many were detained and deported, laying the groundwork for the Trump Administration to accelerate the cruelty to unimaginable levels. Through it all, the struggle for dignity has been led by undocumented immigrants and today we’ll feature a critical new book about this struggle.

Mariela Nuñez-Janes, Professor of Anthropology at University of North Texas. For more than a decade she has worked with undocumented youth and migrant families as a scholar activist publishing collaborative articles and book chapters on Latino/a ed- ucation, youth activism, and feminist pedagogies and supporting their journeys in schools and universities. She is one of the co-editors of the new book, ‘Eclipse of Dreams: The Undocumented-Led Struggle for Freedom.’

Rising Up with Sonali is a radio and television show that brings progressive news coverage rooted in gender and racial justice to a wide audience. 

Rising Up With Sonali was built on the foundation of Sonali Kolhatkar's earlier show, Uprising, which became the longest-running drive-time radio show on KPFK in Los Angeles hosted by a woman. 

RUS airs on Free Speech TV every weekday.

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Free Speech TV Immigration Mariaela Nuñes Janes Migants Rising Up with Sonali Sonali Kolhatkar


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