2022-06-10 18:54:22

Dr Oz Wins Primary, Opponent Concedes

After weeks of vote counting, television doctor Mehmet Oz has prevailed in the Republican primary for US Senator from Pennsylvania. Oz received a total of 31.2% of the vote, besting Dave McCormick who got 31.1% and Kathy Barnette who got 24.7%. McCormick conceded the election last week after recognizing he would not be able to make up the deficit in a recount. Oz said in a tweet, “I received a gracious phone call from David McCormick and am tremendously grateful for his pledge of support in the fall election. We share the goal of a brighter future for Pennsylvania & America.” This is a narrow win for Trump, who ran the risk of getting yet another loss on his endorsement record. Oz will face Democratic nominee John Fetterman in November’s general election — a race that could end up tipping the balance of power in the US Senate.


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#davidpakmanshow Dave McCormick John Fetterman Kathy Barnette Mehmet Oz Pennsylvania Pennsylvania & America US Senate US Senator


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