2022-09-23 17:25:14

Don't Miss Just Solutions TONIGHT ON #FSTV!

With the midterm elections approaching and ongoing efforts to suppress the vote, voting rights groups around the country are working hard to make sure all eligible voters can cast a ballot. Some of the voter suppression laws include expanded voter ID requirements. Thirty-four states have some form of ID requirement at the polls. Seven states have strict photo ID laws. That means voters must present a government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot. But millions of Americans don’t have this form of ID which can be costly to obtain. These are more often than not, voters of color. The group Spread the Vote is helping people in these states obtain the IDs they need to cast a ballot. Our guest today is co-founder and executive director of Spread the Vote Kat Calvin.


FSTV’s Just Solutions features inspiring conversations with activists, community leaders, and others working to make our world a better place. We discuss the many challenges we are facing while exploring the solutions emerging from the grassroots. Missed an episode? Check out Just Solutions on FSTV VOD anytime or visit the show page for the latest clips. #FreeSpeechTV is one of the last standing national, independent news networks committed to advancing progressive social change. #FSTV is available on Dish, DirectTV, AppleTV, Roku, Sling, and online at freespeech.org.

#justsolutions Election id requirements polls Systemic Racism Voter Fraud voter id Voter Suppression Voting Rights Voting Rights Groups


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