2021-07-07 13:13:24

Don Jr. & Eric Trump Melt Down Over Indictments and Admit to Crimes

Last week, the Trump Organization and its CFO Allen Weisselberg were indicted on multiple criminal charges by the Manhattan district attorney's office. The charges are serious and involve tax fraud of various kinds including failing to report and pay taxes on a variety of different benefits including cars, apartments, and school tuition. It also includes state and federal income tax fraud, and state and local tax fraud more generally. The reaction from Donald Trump and his family so far has been completely predictable. They argue that the indictments are part of a “witch hunt” to attack Trump even though he’s no longer in office. The concern appears to be growing particularly among Trump’s adult children, who were supposedly in charge of running the organization while their dad was president. Ever since the announcement from New York prosecutors, the Trump kids have been on a right-wing media tour trying to run interference and explain the entire thing away as a Democrat hit job.

Eric Trump went on Eric Bolling’s Newsmax program to discuss the news and he’s clearly not taking it well. Bolling asked whether he feels concerned about the possibility of ending up in prison over the allegations. Eric Trump denied feeling worried about the investigation in a completely unconvincing tone of voice and then shifted to matters wholly unrelated to the case. Eric said, “the difference is, I’m not Hunter Biden. I’m not selling paintings to undisclosed people for half a million dollars a piece. I’m not doing drugs in shady hotels. I’m not going out and soliciting prostitution.” He went on to insist that he and his siblings live “very clean lives” without addressing any of the specifics at all and continuing to bring up unrelated matters. In a separate Fox News appearance, Eric Trump managed to give credence to the investigation by talking about employment perks and company cars. It would probably be in Eric Trump’s best interest to stay silent on the pending litigation, but just like his father, it appears as though he can’t control himself from admitting guilt while trying to defend himself.


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Allen Weisselberg David Pakman Don Jr Donald Trump Eric Bolling Eric Trump Fox News NewsMax The David Pakman Show Trump Organization


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