2023-04-25 11:28:13

DeSantis megadonors REVOLT, FURIOUS about Ron going MAGA

Republican mega-donors are showing signs of revolting against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis because they are unsure he can win a primary race against Donald Trump. Wealthy DeSantis donors have criticized him in a private chat, and one wealthy Florida donor publicly said he had changed his mind about financially supporting DeSantis. This is largely due to DeSantis’s recent political missteps and continuing with his out-of-state publicity tour. The mega-donors were furious that DeSantis referred to Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a “territorial dispute,” and some called on him to walk back the comment. Some donors wrote that they wanted DeSantis to hit back harder at Trump, with one describing him as a “damn wimp.” The low polling performance combined with a possible donor revolt suggests that DeSantis may need to consider not entering the Republican primary race.


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“territorial dispute #davidpakmanshow Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Russia’s invasion The David Pakman Show Ukraine


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