2020-08-13 14:28:21

Democracy Now! 08/13/20

The Case Against Trump Is “Open and Shut”: Kamala Harris Slams President’s Handling of Pandemic. Was Kamala Harris a Progressive Prosecutor? A Look at Her Time as a DA & California Attorney GeneralGeneral Strike & Blockade in Bolivia Enter Day 11 as Protesters Condemn Delayed Vote by Coup Gov’t.

Democracy Now! produces a daily, global, independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. 

Our reporting includes breaking daily news headlines and in-depth interviews with people on the front lines of the world’s most pressing issues. 

On DN!, you’ll hear a diversity of voices speaking for themselves, providing a unique and sometimes provocative perspective on global events.

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#FreeSpeechTV is one of the last standing national, independent news networks committed to advancing progressive social change. 

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2020 Election Amy Goodman Bolivia Democracy Now! Donald Trump Free Speech TV Joe Biden Kamala Harris


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