2022-09-20 17:55:44

CRIMINAL Investigation Opened on Ron DeSantis' Martha's Vineyard Stunt

A criminal investigation has opened up against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for his transporting of dozens of Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard. The potential criminal component is that the migrants were lied to, believing they were instead going to Boston and that their quest for work and process for residency would be expedited. Because of the false premises that these people were sold, this could potentially become a case of fraud and human trafficking. Texas Sheriff Javier Salazar spoke publicly about the case, pointing out that the migrants were in the United States legally as they were seeking asylum and in the process of having their requests reviewed. He said, “somebody came from out of state, preyed upon these people, lured them with promises of a better life . . . to just be exploited and hoodwinked . . . for what I believe to be nothing more than political posturing, to make a point.” DeSantis thought he was being smooth with this political stunt but it could end up seriously backfiring and potentially even result in criminal charges against him.


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#davidpakmanshow Boston Criminal Investigation Martha's Vineyard Texas Texas Sheriff Javier Salaza United States Venezuelan


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