2021-09-15 13:12:55

California Votes No: Governor Gavin Newsom Survives Republican-Led Recall Effort

Californians overwhelmingly rejected a Republican-led recall effort against Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom on Tuesday that cost close to $300 million in taxpayer funds.

The failed recall was seen as a battle against the far right and a referendum on several key issues ahead of the 2022 midterms, including the pandemic, immigrant rights, the climate crisis and the related unhoused crisis.

California voters cast their ballots in the recall because “as attention started being focused nationally on this election, people started realizing what was at stake,” says Sasha Abramsky, “Left Coast” correspondent for The Nation.

“There was this real risk that California could sort of almost accidentally stumble into a far-right governorship,” Abramsky says.

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2022 Midterms Amy Goodman california Climate Crisis Democracy Now! Free Speech TV Gavin Newsom Immigrant Rights Midterms Pandemic Recall Right-wing Extremism Sasha Abramsky The Nation Unhouse Crisis


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