2022-12-21 18:22:04


In the final days that Democrats have control of Congress, the House Ways and Means Committee has voted to release six years’ worth of Donald Trump’s tax returns to the American public. This is incredibly significant given that Trump has been desperately concealing his tax returns ever since bursting onto the political scene in 2015, lying about how he couldn’t or shouldn’t release them because he was supposedly under audit. There are a number of reasons why Trump has been obsessed with preventing the release of his tax returns, and soon we will be finding out exactly why. One possibility is that he was concerned about legal issues, such as the potential for evidence of tax evasion or fraud to be used against him. Additionally, Trump may have been concerned about protecting his image and reputation, as the release of his tax returns could potentially reveal information that could be damaging to him, like that he’s not as rich as he claims to be. Surely, Trump is in a panic and is set to explode once the documents are made public in the coming days.


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