2021-03-10 09:21:06

BREAKING: CDC Clears Vaccinated People for Indoor Gatherings

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has issued new guidelines for people who have been fully vaccinated from coronavirus. CDC Director Rochelle Wolinski announced, “fully vaccinated people can visit with other fully vaccinated people in small gatherings indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing.” She went on to explain how the advice gets a bit more complicated when a fully vaccinated person is coming into contact with an unvaccinated person. According to the recommendations, vaccinated people can gather indoors unmasked with unvaccinated people, assuming the unvaccinated people are at low risk of getting a life-threatening COVID case. The CDC still does not recommend gatherings with multiple households and traveling even when people are fully vaccinated.

The science is increasingly clear on how effective these vaccines are at preventing serious illness, hospitalizations, and deaths. There is also more and more evidence that the vaccines are effective at reducing transmissibility, although that is still being studied. The CDC said on Monday that a growing body of evidence suggests that people who are fully vaccinated are less likely to have asymptomatic infections and are “potentially less likely to transmit the virus that causes COVID-19 to other people.” Now with three vaccines on the market and 2-3 million shots being administered per day, the United States is finally on track to defeating the virus and having a somewhat normal summer.


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