2021-01-25 11:39:32

Biden Admin Must Not Sacrifice Racial & Economic Justice for False Unity

Democracy Now! looks at how COVID-19 has increased economic inequality with anti-poverty campaigner Reverend William Barber, who delivered the homily at the official inaugural prayer service.

Barber says President Joe Biden’s focus on unity cannot come at the expense of major reforms needed to fight systemic racism, poverty, environmental destruction, and more. “It cannot be just kumbaya. It has to be a fundamental change,” he says.

“We cannot be the wealthiest nation in the world, where billionaires in this country made a trillion dollars between May and November during COVID, while poor and low-wealth people of every race, creed, color, sexuality have suffered and continue to suffer.”

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Amy Goodman Covid COVID-19 Democracy Now! Economic Justice Free Speech TV Joe Biden Pandemic Racial Justice Reverend William Barber The People's Campaign United States


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