2022-12-13 13:57:41

Arizona Governor Builds Illegal "Border Wall" of Shipping Containers. Why Isn't Biden Stopping It?

Outgoing Republican Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona is spending nearly $100 million in his final weeks in office to erect a makeshift border wall along the state's southern boundary with Mexico made of shipping containers and razor wire. Ducey has described it as an effort to complete former President Donald Trump's border wall, but the shipping containers are being placed on federal and tribal lands without permission. Protesters who have tried to block construction warn the wall is destroying precious desert biodiversity and forcing asylum seekers to take even more dangerous routes along the border to seek refuge in the United States. Meanwhile, it is unclear what Democratic Governor-elect Katie Hobbs will do with the container wall once she is sworn in. "It's quite amazing that there's simply been no [federal] law enforcement response," says Myles Traphagen with Wildlands Network, who coordinates the group's borderlands program. "Why aren't they mobilizing a federal law enforcement response when this is a blatant disregard of the law?" We also speak with Alejandra Gomez, executive director of Living United for Change in Arizona, or LUCHA Arizona, who says immigrant communities in Arizona are responding with aid and compassion despite "the fueling of hate against migrants" by Ducey and other Republicans.

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-President Donald Trump Democracy Now! Governor Doug Ducey Governor-elect Katie Hobbs Living United for Change in Arizona LUCHA Myles Traphagen Wildlands Network


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