2021-11-09 11:32:08

Analysis of workers' strikes across the United States

Free Speech TV speaks with Dr. Grieve Chelwa, on the latest #JustSolutions for an accurate analysis of the current workers strikes happening right now across the United States.

The month of October saw wave after wave of strikes breaking out across the US as workers in multiple industries demand better pay, better benefits, and better working conditions. This comes at a time when millions of Americans are leaving the workforce in what is being dubbed "The Great Resignation." Corporate America is dubbing it a "labor shortage," but labor rights activists say that instead, it's a shortage of good wages, affordable childcare, and adequate benefits, and they say workers have had enough.

Our guest today is economist Dr. Grieve Chelwa, Director of Research at the Institute on Race and Political Economy at The New School."

FSTV’s Just Solutions features inspiring conversations with activists, community leaders, and others working to make our world a better place. We discuss the many challenges we are facing, while exploring the solutions emerging from the grassroots. 

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Corporate American Dr. Grieve Chelwa Free Speech TV Just Solutions Labor Shortage Workers' Rights


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