2020-11-11 17:58:55

Amid SCOTUS Fight over ACA, Advocates Say Medicare for All Remains Best Way to Expand Healthcare

In oral arguments Tuesday, the Supreme Court appeared to reject arguments to strike down the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the pandemic. The case was filed by a group of 18 Republican-led states, backed by the Trump administration, who argue the ACA’s individual mandate is unconstitutional, and the rest of law should fall with it.

“This was a terrible third attempt to have the Supreme Court strike down Obamacare. The first two had failed. This was even more ludicrous than the earlier cases,” says Slate legal correspondent Dahlia Lithwick.

Democracy Now! also speaks with Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Program, who says Medicare for All remains the best way to expand healthcare in the United States. “We don’t need to raise the total cost of healthcare. We just need to go to an efficient system that excludes private health insurance,” Dr. Woolhandler says.

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Affordable Care Act Amy Goodman Democracy Now! Dr. Steffie Woolhandler Free Speech TV Healthcare Medicaid Medicare for All Obamacare Physicians for a National Health Program Supreme Court Trump administration


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