2021-05-24 15:08:48
The Biden administration is granting more than 100,000 Haitians in the United States the chance to gain temporary protected status, or TPS, which includes work permits and protection from deportation while Haiti suffers a political crisis.
Haitian President Jovenel Moïse continues to refuse calls to step down, even as human rights groups report he has sanctioned attacks against civilians in impoverished neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, with targeted assassinations and threats against government critics carried out with impunity.
President Joe Biden deported more Haitians during his first two months than Donald Trump did in the last year of his presidency.
“It’s a break for people who have been looking over their shoulders, who have been worried and concerned about what happens if they’re not given this relief and either become undocumented or detained and deported back to Haiti,” says Nana Gyamfi, executive director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration.
reak, but that’s all it is. It’s a break, and we obviously want more.”
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