The Future of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Access to COVID-19 Vaccines & Tests Limited by WTO Deal Pushed by Rich Countries & Big Pharma
Calls Grow for Medicare for All; Uninsured & Communities of Color Hurt Most by COVID-19 Funds
OAN Desperate for Trump to Become Anti-Vax
Alex Jones Turns on Trump Over Vaccines
Fox News Attacks Low Vaccination Rate, Which They Helped Cause
Fox News' Meeting COVID Guidelines Leak, Vaccines & Masks Required
Tucker Says People Are Being "Forced" to get Fake Vaccine Cards
Tucker Carlson Claims COVID Vaccine Might Have Killed "Thousands"
Fox Host Crushes Republican Goon: Why Is Chickenpox Mandate Ok, But Not COVID?
Scientists: Path to COVID's End Remains Uncertain
UK Anti-Vaccine Mob Starts Brawl, Tries to Storm Building
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