2022-02-22 18:27:26

Trump & Children Will Have to Testify Under Oath

At the end of last week, a New York judge ruled that Donald Trump, along with two of his kids, Don Jr. and Ivanka, will have to testify under oath as part of the state’s investigation into alleged financial infractions by the Trump Organization. New York Attorney General Letitia James is looking into whether the Trumps would inflate the price of their assets to establish creditworthiness and deflate their assets when it was time to pay taxes. Of course, Trump will simply have the option of pleading with the Fifth Amendment and not answering the questions.

However, if this is the path they take, it will contradict Donald Trump’s previous statements about how pleading the fifth is “what the mob does” and how “it’s evidence of guilt.” Trump lashed out against James and the judge who made the ruling with one of his official statements. He said in part, “it is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in history — and remember, I can't get a fair hearing in New York because of the hatred of me by Judges and the judiciary. It is not possible!” Trump always tries to play the victim and he’ll likely have to keep doing it now with several investigations into his alleged wrongdoing heating up.


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#davidpakmanshow Don Jr. and Ivanka Donald Trump Fifth Amendment General Letitia James Judges and the judiciary New York New York Attorney New York judge The David Pakman Show Trump Organization Witch Hunt in history


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