2020-12-01 09:41:37

Trump Blames "Massive Dumps" For Election Loss

Outgoing President Donald Trump is blaming “massive dumps” on his election loss earlier this month. Trump went on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox Business show in what was his first interview since Election Day. Trump was allowed to ramble on uninterrupted for multiple minutes at a time. Bartiromo pretended to act shocked and horrified by the allegations Trump was making as if she’s really concerned over the integrity of the vote. Trump said that people were calling him on election night to congratulate him on having won the election, although anyone familiar with the red mirage scenario knew that Biden would catch up once the mail-in counts came in. In maybe the most meme-able moment, Trump said, “then they did dumps, they call them dumps, big massive dumps in Michigan and Pennsylvania and all over.”

Trump is disputing the popular vote totals too even though it’s not relevant in deciding who takes the White House in January. This should come as no surprise, since Trump claimed voter fraud in 2016 was the reason he lost the popular vote by three million. This time, he lost it by over six million. Eventually, Trump runs out of steam and the interview ends with Trump saying his loss was "statistically impossible." Bartiromo responds by saying "it's all quite extraordinary, Mr. President." Trump is likely to keep repeating these unfounded claims for the rest of his life and his followers will likely believe them for the rest of theirs.


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2020 David Pakman Donald Trump Election Fox Business Fox News Mario Bartiromo Massive Dumps The David Pakman Show


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