2020-10-19 10:09:16

Republican Governor Won't Support Trump

Republican Governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, has announced that he cannot support Donald Trump for President and he will not be voting for him. His communications director put out a statement saying the Governor is “focused on seeing Massachusetts through the pandemic.” Baker, though a Republican, has handled the coronavirus quite well and helped oversee a summer with a very low infection rate in the commonwealth. Baker also stood up to Trump by refusing to send National Guard forces to the southern border.

It’s not totally clear why Baker is denouncing Trumpism in 2020, although it’s no surprise as he also didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. This could be entirely a political calculation, as Baker is already a popular Republican governor in a blue state so maybe he shouldn’t rock the boat. It could also be a personal disapproval of the current president, or a combination of the two. In any event, we can probably expect a childish and unhinged attack on Baker coming soon from the presidential Twitter feed.


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2020 Charlie Baker Coronavirus COVID-19 Democracy On The Brink Donald Trump Election FSTV Election Coverage Massachussetts Republican Republican Governor


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