With the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, our heavy hearts are with her family, even as we ponder the impact on future generations. Who will take her place championing “equal justice under the law”? Who will defend our reproductive rights and affordable healthcare? Who will keep fighting for voting rights? The answer? We will. Justice Ginsburg’s moxie earned her the moniker “Notorious RBG.” Now it’s time for all of us to “Be Notorious.” It’s time to flood the Senate switchboard. Call (202) 224-3121 to reach your Senator and those on the Judiciary Committee. Speak out boldly on when and how to fill this critical court vacancy. Justice Ginsburg wisely observed: “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” It’s time to get marching. Doing so, we honor this amazing woman’s legacy of justice for all.