2022-09-08 11:13:53

We Must All Get Involved To Protect Our Democracy

With the midterm elections fast approaching, political extremists continue to push the big lie of election fraud in 2020.

In addition, laws have been passed in multiple states that make it harder for people to vote. 

With these threats to the very foundation of our democracy, there is an urgent need for election workers to help our voting systems run smoothly, provide accurate information, and ensure that every vote is counted.

Power to the Polls is recruiting a new generation of poll workers. These are the front-line workers, essential to our democracy.

They seek to inspire a new wave of younger, more diverse election workers who can help protect fair access to the ballot box now and in the future. 

Our democracy is at stake. We must all get involved.

election 2022 FSTV Speaks get out the vote Voting Rights

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