2022-08-30 18:51:37

Tucker Carlson Says Existence of Winter Disproves Climate Change

Tucker Carlson on his Fox News show made the tired, old argument that low temperatures in winter disprove the existence of climate change and that the planet getting too cold is the real problem. Carlson said, “the real threat to people is global cooling, otherwise known as winter. Far more people freeze to death every year than die of heat. In 2019, for example, four times as many people died of cold than of heat.” In fact, heat does kill more people than cold. Around the world, far more people have the ability to heat their environment when it’s cold than cool their environment when it’s hot. According to data from NOAA, in the United States from 1988 to 2017, more than four times as many people died from extreme heat than extreme cold. It’s unclear whether Tucker is ignorant on the issue or being deliberately deceptive about it, but either way, it’s doing a tremendous disservice to his audience.

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#davidpakmanshow 1988 2017 2019 Climate Change Fox News NOAA Tucker Tucker Carlson United States


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