2022-08-12 17:49:23

Trump Uncontrollably Loses It After Deposition

Donald Trump lost his mind on Truth Social Wednesday after pleading the Fifth Amendment more than 400 times during a deposition over his company's alleged financial infractions in New York. Trump posted, “At the very plush, beautiful, and expensive A.G.'s office. Nice working conditions, as people are being murdered all over New York - and she spends her time and effort on trying to ‘get Trump.’” He also posted a screenshot of one of his official “Office of the 45th President” statements, unleashing a multi-page tirade about Letitia James and the investigation into him. When Trump left the deposition, he posted, “Just leaving the Attorney General's Office - A very professional meeting. Have a fantastic company with great assets, very little debt, and lots of CASH. Only in America!” Of course, even this statement isn't true since by all accounts the Trump Organization is not on the up and up with its finances. Surely, these social media screeds will continue with a number of investigations into the former president now heating up.

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“Office of the 45th President” #davidpakmanshow 400 times A.G.'s office Attorney General's Offic Donald Trump Fifth Amendment New York Trump Organization Truth Social Wednesday


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