2023-05-30 18:55:58

Trump lawyers warn him he's about to get arrested AGAIN

We are potentially approaching two more arrests of former President Donald Trump. District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia is taking increased security measures as indictments are set to be announced from July to September. Additionally, a Rolling Stone article reports that Trump's lawyers have warned him to prepare for federal indictments. Trump's legal and political advisors have bluntly informed him that they expect the Justice Department to charge him in the criminal investigation into his handling of classified documents after his presidency. Trump is outraged over this, reportedly questioning why Joe Biden wouldn't face charges as well. The possibility of Trump facing criminal charges carries significant political implications, especially with the upcoming heated Republican primary. If Trump becomes entangled in multiple criminal cases that hinder his ability to campaign, there’s some chance it could impact the Republican electorate and potentially lead to support for alternative candidates like Ron DeSantis.

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-President Donald Trump District Attorney Fani Willis Georgia Republican Primary Ron DeSantis significant political implications


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