2021-03-10 10:31:07

Trump Keeping His Promise to Attack Republicans

There is a fascinating war developing between Donald Trump and the Republican Party and it has the makings of exactly the type of chaos that could endanger the political futures of both going into the 2022 and 2024 elections. The rift between Trump and Republicans appeared to have subsided after the former president’s CPAC speech last week. Trump said he did not want to start a third party, acknowledging that it would split the conservative vote and help Democrats win. He expressed an interest in playing the kingmaker of Republican Party politics for the next few years and suggested he would make a return to the presidential race in 2024. However, now there is a sign that the relationship between Trump and the party isn’t as cozy as was suggested during that speech.

Donald Trump has sent the GOP a cease and desist letter saying they can no longer use his name and likeness to raise money. The ex-president recently created a PAC, ostensibly to raise money for pro-Trump candidates, but likely just as a way to funnel money into his pockets. Trump knows there’s a limited amount of money conservatives are willing to donate and he wants all of it. The Republican Party is pushing back, saying they have the right to use Trump’s name and likeness. So what we have is a former Republican president saying not to donate to his party but to donate to him instead when he isn’t even running yet. This is such a transparent grift, but it’s one that’s likely to work since more right-wingers are loyal to Trump than to the GOP. This could severely hamper Republican fundraising ability and leave the right fighting a two-front war that Democrats can capitalize on.


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2022 2024 Campaign CPAC David Pakman Donald Trump Donations Elections Republican Party The David Pakman Show


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