2022-02-02 12:29:09

The Silencing of Black & Queer Voices: George M. Johnson on 15-State Ban of "All Boys Aren't Blue"

School districts and Republican-controlled state legislatures are rapidly intensifying efforts to ban certain books about race, colonialism, sex, and gender identity from public classrooms and libraries. The wave of book bans — with more than 70 educational gag order bills being introduced in legislatures over the past month alone — have been largely led by right-wing groups funded by Charles Koch.

We’re joined by author George M. Johnson to talk about their award-winning memoir-manifesto “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” which deals with homophobia, transphobia, and racism and has been targeted for removal in at least 15 states. “Black storytelling has often been banned,” says Johnson. “My book is a tool so that Black queer kids and LGBTQ teens can see themselves and read about themselves and learn about themselves.” Johnson also says the bans have only given youth more access points to their book and argues the recent bills imposed by conservatives are “all about the fear of losing the control of the minds that they have had in this country since its early foundings.”


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“All Boys Aren’t Blue” #democracynow 70 educational Amy Goodman Black & Queer Voices Charles Koch Colonialism gender identity Juan Gonzalez LGBTQ race Republican School districts Sex


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