2022-01-13 14:51:00

“The Coming Coup”: Ari Berman on Republican Efforts to Steal Future Elections

Mother Jones reporter Ari Berman warns the Republican Party is laying the groundwork to steal the 2022 midterms and future elections through a combination of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and election subversion, which together pose a mortal threat to voting rights in the United States. Republicans, many of whom are election deniers, are campaigning for positions that hold immense oversight over the election process. “What’s really new here are these efforts to take over how votes are counted,” says Berman. “That is the ultimate voter suppression method because if you’re not able to rig the election on the front end, you can throw out votes on that back end.”


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#democracynow 2022 Midterms Amy Goodman Ari Berman Juan Gonzalez Republican Party United States


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