2021-04-23 12:20:29

“Shelter from the Storm”: Climate Change Is a Driving Force in Central American Migration

Democracy Now! looks at the link between migration and the climate emergency, which studies have estimated could displace over 200 million people by 2050, including many in Central American countries such as Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Last year, two hurricanes, Iota and Eta, devastated the region and forced thousands to flee north. A new report finds that the climate crisis is already a driver in migration from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, which reiterates the necessity of planning “ahead for the major migration flows,” says Camila Bustos, human rights associate at the University Network for Human Rights. “What we’re really telling the Biden administration is to take this data, look into it, think critically and creatively about solutions, and revise immigration policy.”

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Amy Goodman Central America Central American Climate Change Climate Emergency Democracy Now! El Salvador Free Speech TV Guatemala Honduras Immigration Migration


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