2021-04-30 12:08:06

Republicans React to Joe Biden Speech

Joe Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress yesterday and right-wingers are losing their minds over the speech. Republican Senator Tim Scott gave the official response to Biden’s speech and argued that Biden is making the country more “divided” and “anxious.” He said that “a president that promised to bring us together should not be pushing agendas that tear us apart.” The truth is that the policies Biden announced during his speech regarding paid family leave, community college, and so much more are widely popular among the American people. Topics like COVID relief and infrastructure used to be bipartisan until Biden won the presidency and Republicans went back to obstructing everything. Scott alluded to Donald Trump’s economy pre-coronavirus as being “the most inclusive in my lifetime.”

While Tim Scott was giving the official response to Biden’s address, Fox News was giving the unofficial response, trying to make it seem as though Biden’s ideas are far too radical to be popular with the American people. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy went on Sean Hannity’s program and asserted that Biden is “going to control how much meat you can eat.” McCarthy is dead wrong about this and one Fox show has already had to issue a correction on the claim that Biden’s climate plan calls for regulating meat consumption. Another personality on Fox, Katie Pavlich, said that America looked weak by not having the entire government in the House chamber for the speech like in normal years. Apparently, her concern was that foreign countries would see the United States taking the virus seriously and think we’re vulnerable to attack. Fox News and the right-wing really don’t know how to argue against this president and his agenda but it’s fun to watch them try.


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Congress David Pakman Fox News Joe Biden Katie Pavlich Kevin McCarthy Sean Hannity Ted Cruz The David Pakman Show Tim Scott


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