2023-01-03 18:34:10

Republicans Desperately Rethink Abortion Strategy After Midterm Flop

Republicans are reevaluating their stance on abortion after Democrats effectively used the issue to motivate their base and win over swing voters in the 2022 midterms. It’s long been the right’s goal to overturn Roe vs. Wade but now that they have actually accomplished that, they’re realizing it’s been a damper to the electability of their candidates. GOP candidates largely stayed silent on the abortion issue this past election cycle to the extent that they could and they’ll need to recalibrate their message if they want to make it an issue in 2024. In 2022, abortion was a top priority for 27% of voters, according to exit polling, and the GOP's focus on inflation, crime, and the border did not translate into electoral success. Republicans are only themselves to blame for the mess they are in, but many likely calculate that this was a crucial win for them and that they can recover from the blowback over the next few years.


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@Thom_Hartmann 2022 Midterms 2024 27% of voters Crime GOP Inflation recalibrate Republicans Roe vs. Wade The Thom Hartmann Program


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