2023-01-31 18:27:40
David DePape, the man who allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi at this San Francisco home last year, called into a local news show to explain himself. DePape said, “I have an important message for everyone in America: Liberty isn't dying. It's being killed systematically and deliberately. The people killing it have names and addresses. They got their names and addresses so I could pay them a little visit. I have a heart-to-heart chat about their bad behavior. The tree of liberty needs watering. You need men of valor, patriots that will put their own lives on the line.” DePape went on to apologize, not in earnest about his own actions, but about how he wasn’t “better prepared” and “couldn’t get more of them.” Hopefully, DePape gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and these politically-motivated right-wing attacks don’t keep happening.
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