2021-11-01 10:18:10

Newsmax Host Condemns Fox News for Requiring Vaccination/Testing

Former Fox News host turned Newsmax host Eric Bolling criticized his former employer for having a COVID vaccine mandate this week on his new station. As has been widely reported, Fox requires its employees to be tested daily for the virus if they decide to forgo vaccination. Many right-wing figures are against such requirements and this has provided Newsmax with an opportunity to outflank Fox as supposedly the more conservative network. Bolling, host of the show “Eric Bolling The Balance,” said on Newsmax: “I tell my audience that I’m vaccinated but I’m against the mandate part of it. Fox says and Neil Cavuto says, ‘we’re against mandates too’ but Fox itself has a mandate. You can’t get into 1200 6th Avenue unless you are vaccinated or you’re willing to take a test every day.” What Bolling said was largely true and it is certainly hypocritical for many of these Fox hosts to be bemoaning vaccine mandates elsewhere but not at the company they work for. This sounds like Bolling is trying to take this opportunity to criticize his former network for ousting him several years ago over allegedly sending lewd photos and text messages to three female colleagues. .


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Coronavirus COVID-19 David Pakman Eric Bolling Fox News Mandate Neil Cavuto NewsMax Testing The David Pakman Show Vaccine


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