2022-04-07 13:21:47

Making a Killing: Big Oil Reaps Record Profits Using Ukraine War as Pretext to Hike Gas Prices

House Democrats grilled CEOs of Big Oil companies, like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Shell, Wednesday about rising gas prices and profiteering from the Ukraine war. We get a response from environmentalist Bill McKibben and speak with Ukrainian environmental lawyer ​​Svitlana Romanko about how the conflict in Ukraine is impacting energy markets around the world. “These are predatory companies that have used every excuse — and this is one of the grossest — to try and increase their profit margins,” says McKibben. “Dismantling and sending Putin’s horrific war against Ukraine will dismantle the system that enables this fossil fuel industry to over profit,” adds Romanko.

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#democracynow Big Oil companies CEO ExxonMobil House Democrats Putin’s horrific war Romanko Svitlana Romanko Ukraine Ukrainian environmental


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