2023-03-03 18:24:53

Kyle Rittenhouse begs for money on Fox News

Kyle Rittenhouse, who was found not guilty of criminal charges for killing multiple people in 2020, is now being sued civilly by the family of one of the men he shot dead and by another person he injured. Rittenhouse appeared on Tucker Carlson's show to ask for donations to help him fight the lawsuits. However, he mangled the URL, which is meant to direct donors to a fundraising website to cover his legal expenses. Rittenhouse told Tucker, “I know we're going to win the court, but it's going to be expensive. It's going to cost a lot of money to fight. These attorneys are very powerful.  Then Kyle made the claim that if the lawyers can go after him, they can also go after everyday Americans, which is a statement that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense because there would be no reason for them too. Just because Kyle was found not guilty in the criminal case doesn’t mean he’ll also win the civil case, and the two plaintiffs appear to have a legitimate case.


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#davidpakmanshow criminal case Kyle Kyle Rittenhouse legitimate case The David Pakman Show Tucker Carlson URL


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