2022-04-26 18:50:51

Kevin McCarthy has been caught on tape Saying Trump Should Resign

Kevin McCarthy has been caught in a lie over what he thought the appropriate course of action was for Donald Trump following the January 6th insurrection. The New York Times reported that McCarthy was going around in the aftermath of the Trump riots saying that the then-president should step down. This prompted the House Minority Leader to release a statement reading in part, “The New York Times’ reporting on me is false and wrong. It is no surprise that the corporate media is obsessed with doing everything it can to further a liberal agenda.” Then audio surfaced between McCarthy and Liz Cheney from a few days after the January 6th insurrection, definitively proving it was McCarthy who was the one lying. He said in the recording, “it would be my recommendation that [Trump] should resign. That would be my take, but I don’t think he would take it.” Once McCarthy realized the Republican voter base wasn’t willing to ditch Trump after putting lawmakers’ lives in danger, he quickly changed his tune to get back on the ex-president’s good side.

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#davidpakmanshow Donald Trump House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Lawmakers liberal agenda Liz Cheney McCarthy New York Times Republican voter


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