2021-05-12 10:13:20

Head of Teachers Union Calls Out Fox Host for Lies

A guest on Fox News yesterday called out the network for lying and spreading misinformation in what was truly a glorious moment to witness. Randi Weingarten is a lawyer, labor activist, and president of the American Federation of Teachers and a member of the AFL-CIO. She went on a Fox News show yesterday hosted by Martha MacCallum ostensibly to talk about students being taught critical race theory and an unflattering depiction of American history. MacCallum opened up the exchange using her typical buzzwords about the 1619 Project and white people no longer feeling proud about their heritage. Weingarten didn’t take the bait and said it was the role of educators to constantly be assessing accuracy and biases in school curricula. She explained that schools need to have more of a focus on science, civics, and civil rights laws, which MacCallum could only half-heartedly agree to.

The exchange got testy when Weingarten called out Fox for propagating lies about the 2020 election. In the context of discussing misinformation, Randi said, “I really would hope that Fox would really look at what happened in this election . . . because every social studies teacher is wrestling with this,” referring to Donald Trump’s lies about voter fraud. MacCallum tried her best to cover for the network and pretended as though they never questioned the election results. Later on, Weingarten pivoted the conversation about misinformation to the vaccine front, because right wingers (and presumably Fox viewers) are among the most skeptical when it comes to getting a coronavirus vaccine. MacCallum was clearly uncomfortable speaking about this issue as well. Fox News is one of the biggest perpetuators of false information out there, so it’s bogus and hypocritical for them to attempt a segment on the topic. Randi Weingarten was right to call them out on it and she did so effectively.


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AFL-CIO American Federation of Teachers David Pakman Fox News Martha MacCallum Randi Weingarten The David Pakman Show


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