2021-06-25 09:05:19

Have Ivanka & Jared Abandoned Trump Over Election Conspiracies?

Donald Trump’s persistent and baseless claims of voter fraud overturning the 2020 election results is driving away his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner. According to 12 former White House officials and members of the Trump inner circle, Ivanka has had to walk a tight-rope between supporting her father and distancing herself from his lies about the election being stolen. Trump is reportedly also questioning whether Jared Kushner should continue to have a role as one of his aides and whether Kushner has negatively affected his presidential legacy. One member of Trump’s south Florida resort and a close family friend said about Jared and Ivanka, "they weren't around for the usual spring and summer events at Mar-a-Lago.” The couple likely calculate that Donald Trump is completely toxic at this point and being too close to him will hurt their future endeavors. Kushner has his eyes set on business deals and Ivanka wants to have options open to run for political office herself at some point. They both likely miss being accepted in elite social circles and want to be accepted back into them. All of this is leading to an erosion of trust between Trump and “Javanka” and it should come as no surprise because the former president’s obsession with losing the election takes priority over everything else.


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