2022-06-23 11:18:55

Global Access to COVID-19 Vaccines & Tests Limited by WTO Deal Pushed by Rich Countries & Big Pharma

Hundreds of public health and civil society organizations have denounced the World Trade Organization for approving a text last week that they say leaves in place intellectual property barriers that will continue to limit global access to COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and treatments. We host an in-depth discussion about the WTO’s move, and what should come next, with two global health justice advocates, Mihir Mankad and Fatima Hassan. Mankad, who attended the WTO meeting and is a senior adviser for global health advocacy and policy for Doctors Without Borders, says the agreement “may ultimately cause more damage than good.” Hassan, founder, and director of Health Justice Initiative in South Africa believes Global South countries were “bullied into silence” by richer countries during the WTO negotiations. #democracynow

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Covid tests COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine Health Pandemic Vaccines WTO


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