2023-05-11 19:39:17

George Santos manic in unhinged post-arrest press conference

Congressman George Santos was arrested this week on thirteen criminal counts and he responded to the charges by holding a bonkers press conference. Santos attempted to defend himself against the charges, claiming that they were part of a witch hunt and that he will fight to clear his name. He also referred to Joe Biden's family members receiving money from foreign destinations into their bank accounts, in a desperate attempt to deflect from his own issues. Santos vowed that he will not resign from Congress over the criminal charges, but Republican leadership has already withdrawn their support for his re-election effort. Santos even went so far as to say that in a couple of years, he will be chairman of a committee in the House, which made him sound completely delusional. Despite the serious nature of the charges against him, Santos claimed he is feeling fine and attempted to maintain a positive outlook throughout the press conference.


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#davidpakmanshow bonkers press conference Congress Congressman George Santos Joe Biden's family members Santos The David Pakman Show


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