2020-08-20 15:30:10

Gay USA 8/19/20

On Gay USA 8/19/20:

Federal judge blocks Trump rule allowing anti-trans discrimination in health care from going into effect.

Democrats put diversity front and center at convention.

Alex Morse fights anti-gay smear in campaign to unseat US Representative Richie Neal in Massachusetts—a smear in which Democratic leaders in the state colluded.

∎ Historic wins for Black LGBT candidates in Florida.

∎ Under pressure, Newark, NJ police re-open investigation into suspicious death of trans woman Ashley Moore.

∎ A Black Pride March honoring Bayard Rustin and Marsha P. Johnson set for NY on Monday.

∎ A UK man gets a prison sentence for brutally whipping his LGBT son with a cable.


Gay USA, the longest-running LGBT news show in history, offers comprehensive news and analysis by and about the LGBTQ community. The program features lively repartee between hosts Ann Northrop and Andy Humm, as well as interviews with special guests. Our goal each week is to keep our viewers up-to-date on the latest developments in the LGBTQ+ community in the United States and abroad.  With decades of experience in journalism and activism, we work diligently to provide historical context for the stories we cover. We strongly believe in LGBT liberation, but we aim to be fair to those who oppose us. Gay USA works to provide a critical perspective on the groups within our movements working to change things.

Missed an episode?  Check out Gay USA on FSTV VOD anytime or visit the show page for the latest clips.

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Alex Morse Andy Humm Ann Northrop Ashley Moore Black Pride March Florida Gay USA LGBTQ New Jersey Neward Transgender



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