2021-06-02 09:49:15
Fox News is acting as though a major story has come out about the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” scandal. Fox & Friends spent Memorial Day talking about Hunter’s old business dealings, even though Hunter has no role in his father’s administration. The story had to do with emails exchanged between Joe Biden and Hunter’s business contacts around the world. Fox reported the story as a bombshell new revelation because it showed that Joe Biden planned on sharing a meal with people who his son worked with. But there was really nothing new or “exclusive” about this story at all and in fact, it was more like a repeat of a story Fox reported on back in October of 2020. Before the election, the network ran a story called “Hunter's ex-partner recounts meeting Joe Biden, claims family 'paranoid' about hiding former VP's involvement.” Apparently, there wasn’t anything of substance for Fox to criticize dealing with the Biden presidency this week, so they had to rehash this uneventful report from seven months ago.
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