2023-01-17 18:37:03

Do People Really Not Remember 2011-2019?

Republicans now have control of the House of Representatives, and if there’s any way to tell how they will govern, it’s by looking at the period of time when the GOP last held control of the lower chamber from 2011 to 2019. During that time, the primary focus of the right was repealing the Affordable Care Act, and most of the time they didn’t have any health care plan of their own to replace it with. Republicans also rolled back environmental regulations, withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, gutted the EPA's budget, and were a disaster on immigration, including the separation of families at the border. They also attempted to pass tax bills that would have exploded the deficit and largely benefited the top one percent. Whenever the GOP gains control of a legislative body, they do horrible things, and their past record serves as a disturbing preview of what's to come in the next two years.


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#davidpakmanshow 2011 to 2019 EPA's budget GOP House Of Representatives Immigration tax bills The David Pakman Show


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