2022-03-03 18:22:47

Crying Russian Soldiers Surrendering All Over Ukraine

A number of factors point to Russia slowly winning the war against Ukraine. Yesterday, Russian forces took over the first major Ukrainian city — Kherson. However, there are other reasons to believe that Ukraine is holding its own. One report suggests that Russian soldiers are surrendering in Ukraine, wishing to not be a part of the conflict. Many in the Russian military are young conscripts who have never faced combat and are highly risk-averse, giving up without much of a fight.

Some weren’t told that they would be facing combat and simply don’t believe in the cause. Making matters worse for the soldiers, Russia seemingly did a horrible job planning out the logistics of the war, and with not enough gas and food, many Russian soldiers are being left to fight cold and hungry. The sheer size of the Russian military means they still could very well take over Ukraine, but it’s not going to be nearly as easy as many predicted.


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#davidpakmanshow Kherson risk-averse Russian Military Russian soldiers The David Pakman Show Ukraine Ukrainian city


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