2022-08-10 19:26:01

Could 2022 Be The Worst Midterm Ever for Republicans?

The Republican Party could end up having a lackluster 2022 midterms in an environment where they should be able to sweep the Democrats in House, Senate and governor’s races. The GOP was on pace for a red wave, until economic indicators began to improve and the overturning of Roe vs. Wade galvanized Democratic resistance. Also helping the left is that President Biden added another accomplishment to his record this week, getting the Inflation Reduction Act to pass the Senate which will serve to fight climate change, reform the tax code, and allow Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs. FiveThirtyEight now expects Democrats will hold onto the Senate, with 59 out of 100 simulated scenarios resulting in Dems holding onto the upper chamber. They are still underdogs in the House, however, with only a 20% chance of keeping it out of Republican hands. If this trend continues into November, it’s conceivable that Democrats will be able to hold onto power.


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#davidpakmanshow 100 simulated scenarios 2022 Midterms Democratic resistance Democrats FiveThirtyEight inflation reduction act Medicare President Biden tax code


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